Well, it was a beautiful afternoon for riding and hiking in the shed, and Denis had a little bit flavors of both.
We did the same route as last Saturday. Half way down the Lawnmower I heard Denis calling. When I asked "are you OK?" the answer I got was "no". So I turned around and found Denis standing there, one hand on handlebar and one on frame, but the two pieces were no longer held together. It turned out, the Manitou fork steering tube snapped, sending Denis to the ground briefly. It looked like an EOTR (end of the ride) situation, but I still asked Denis if he packed a spare fork just to be sure. Anyway, we did some trailside emergency care - to the bike - so at least Denis can walk with the bike. Nicolas and I then rode on and finished the ride, while Denis enjoyed the walk in the spring woods, sunshine, breeze, birds singing, dogs barking, all those kinds of things.
ps, nobody broke a chain today.
pps, a rock jumped up and hugged the derailleur hanger on my Moment, warranted a side trip to Avalon Cycles in Germantown.
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