Took some shots during the Shed ride today.
"The overall "Games Experience" was pretty awesome though...if a bit hard to soak in during the four short days we spent in the village. We agreed, as the U.S. Mountain Bike Team, to train in Korea to avoid the possibility of challenging training conditions and poor air quality in Beijing. Turns out that, through a combination of aggressive pollutant control and natural rainfall, the air was fine. And Mike Broderick found some good riding in the "Fragrant Hills" just west of the city, so we could realistically have just come to the Olympic Village a week out and done our prep there."
Iliotibial Band Syndrome symptoms range from a stinging sensation just above the knee joint (on the outside of the knee or along the entire length of the iliotibial band) to swelling or thickening of the tissue at the point where the band moves over the femur. The pain may not occur immediately during activity, but may intensify over time, especially as the foot strikes the ground. Pain might persist after activity. Pain may also be present below the knee, where the ITB actually attaches to the tibia.
Sports activities to avoid while symptomatic:
Iliotibial Band Syndrome is the result of poor training habits, equipment and anatomical abnormalities.
Training habits:
* In cycling, having the feet "toed-in" to an excessive angle
Thank you for your order.
As you are a new customer to us, we must confirm that we are sending the order to the registered card holder. This is necessary due to the large numbers of fraudulent orders we have been receiving using stolen card details.
Can you Fax or e-mail an official document such as Passport, Driving Licence or ID card clearly showing your name and address. If they do not have the address shown, an electricity or phone bill would be ok.
Fax Number +44 2893 324868
We must ship your order to this address.
Once you have supplied these details we will immediately ship your order and will not require these details for any future orders.
We would like to apologise for the extra inconvenience to yourself but I'm sure you can understand we need to take steps to protect both yourself and us from potential card fraud.
If you have any question feel free to e-mail me or phone on ++ 44 2893 352976
Hi ,
We have an order for you that is going to a different delivery name and address. What is the reason for this
Hi, Gale,
I'm buying the stuff for my friend over there. It's so convenient that you guys ship directly to China. Thanks for double checking on this.
Hi, Gale,
Attached is my electricity bill.
It's OK to send the order to my address.
Hi, Gale,
I replied the other message from you as well with a scan of my electricity bill. I would still prefer to have the order shipped to my friend in China. Please let me know how I could help to make that happen.
However if it absolutely has to be shipped to my address, that's OK, too. I totally understand.